Tuesday, September 16, 2008

On Sodomy


Come to think about it, I have not do a proper post for ages....I mean my geo-social commentaries that is. On the eve of a new Malaysia I will blog, about the seriousness of Sodomy in the society.

Sodomy, the act of anal intercourse, oral intercourse, as well as bestiality, is a common societal trend ever since the dawn of civilizations. We have Greeks who practice same-sex relationship, and even the Holy bible devoted a whole chapter on the subject matter, of course, people got destroyed while sodomy ran rampant again.

To properly address the problem, we must go back, yes again, into the basic human instinct that spurs us into how we identify ourselves again. To start off, I felt that Sodomy is an unnatural act against mother nature, and to add on to that, humans are not design to sodomize each other to the extend that one will desperately avoid sodomy whenever possible due to the pain and hurt that involved in the process.

There is a saying, "When civilizations enters a great height, it will indulge themselves into hedonistic acts which ultimately destroy the said civilization." Yes, hedonism, the pursue of excess pleasure and sensation. Thus, when one questions the validity of sodomy, one might have a greater question, why people sodomize each other? Yes, humans have a tendency not to look at a problem directly and solve it once and for all. It seems that we are to go round and round, giving in to senseless rhetorics and other so-called philosophical blabbers to achieve nothing. Sodomy is one such problem.

Yes, we question about the legal issue and when we seek to legalized anything, the religious dudes who lives down the road will appeal to the authorities that it is not really a good thing to do. After talking, human instinct sets in and talks becomes protest and eventually another Jihad or Crusade or whatever.

Why do we need to protect ourselves against sodomy that much? It is as though that we need to do it at one point of time or another? Or is it that it is our nature? I do not believe that we need to have sodomy once in our lifetime and clearly not my nature to perform it to some person,if i need to, preferably a female. So, what is the fuss about it? We cannot do things that we do not know how. So why is there circulation about the subject?

Oh, i always forget to mentioned, the word sodomy came from the latin word peccatum Sodomiticum, or "sin of Sodom." So, it is a biblical thing altogether? no? Things that i will definitely not try to understand in my lifetime. So, what exactly spurs people to sodomize each other? In the bible, Lot the "upright" man gave away his daughter at the mercy of the so-called "sodomizes" while not letting the purity of abstinence?

In a sense, we can sense the senselessness of the whole sodomy being a major sin or something. I am not accusing the author of that particular chapter being gay and thus feeling bad and guilty about it but we should not focus on things that only applies to a minority of the people. Should everyone turns into "immoral acts" as describe by the utmost holy book which provides details that will disgust even the homosexual? Or is it "only" serves to act as a reminder of the danger behind it? Should god want to punish anyone, they should punish the Israelis for pillaging and raping "innocent civilians", but the boss always have the say right?

Going back to my beloved country and homeland, Malaysia which i do not know where is the capital (insider's joke), sodomy has been a political tool that force people into submission. Maybe the whole thing came about is due to political reasons? Even back then, it is prevalent as civilization has not yet "mature" using these low and cheap method to ridicule political enemies. Speculation and always speculations, there will not be any definite answer to that save when we completed the Large Hadron Collider and invented the time machine as a by-product.

All in all these issues that led to mindless bickering will cause more harm to the society than good. We just have to be more objective about certain issues that is around us without resorting to stances that might contaminate otherwise innocent subjects, confusing people, making them wonder what is going to happen.

To sum it up, I will like to move away from the "Why so serious" tone to a more cheerful one by presenting my findings from the internet, "The Sodomy Song" hope that everyone enjoys it.

You must think it very odd of me
But I enjoy the act of sodomy
You might call the wrath of God on me
But if you tried it then you might agree
That you enjoy the act of sodomy

Don't worry if you feel ashamed
It's been around for years
Thousands more than can be named
Are interested in rears
Don't worry about hell
No harm will come to your soul
We're not all Pentacostal
But everybody's got an asshole

Let me tell ya 'bout sodomy
You must think it very odd of me
But I enjoy the act of sodomy
You might call the wrath of God on me
But if you tried it then you might agree
That you enjoy the act of sodomy

It might just improve your sex
It's a hard act to follow
The fact that fundamentalists
Find difficult to swallow
So join me as I sing
Of an activity that's fun
Open up your ring
And try it front to bum


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