Tuesday, June 26, 2007


What is love actually?

The above question has been questioned throughout my previous blog.

today, it is different. We were on a bench together. I felt my heartbeat increased by tenfolds. I do not know what is the feeling, a dreamy like, hard to describe one.

It is joy that I have felt. I enjoyed every moment that she flipped through my sketch book. I could have been there earlier. That ten minutes, I felt myself getting hot for no reason, a warmth surround me.

Times seems to flow so fast at the moment, her movement was clear and precise, taking few moments to flip my sketchbooks, my language become silly and my throat dries up.

When I realize, I was late for Chemistry Practical....

But that feeling affected me for the whole day. I felt happy, a will to move on again.

Is that love?

If so, I have fell in love.


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